Deadpool 2 - Storyline

Deadpool is very famously known as the most entertaining character in term of comedy, all the people who have read or follow the Marvels comic must agree with me. Even if you have not read or seen much of marvel movies but still after watching Deadpool 2 you would also agree with me.

Now for those who have not seen the movies or are at all interested in watching the movie but want to have a zest of the movie are very much welcome to come and know it here. 

As we all have seen the movie trailer and have made some kind of portray about how the movie would go on but after watching the movie I was like "WTH has just happened " it was completely opposite to what I had thought it was going to be and there was also some character that was not at all expected. 

So as I was able to interpret the trailer was that Deadpool has some got a job to protect a child known as Firefist who apparently is a mutant and is being chased by a guy named Cable, who is behind his life to take some kind of revenge. There were some very awesome action scenes in the movie.

How it actual was, Deadpool had named as Copycat who was killed by some guys who came to kill him instead she killed in the middle on there combat, which triggered to suicide but we all know how strong his regenerative powers are so that was not good and but he did succeed in splitting his body into numerous pieces which needed time to regenerated right then colossus came gathered his body and took him Xavier's school. From there he joined the X-Men and went on his first field expedition where he met FireFist, who was in great agony against the warden of his school but was taken under control by Deadpool, later on, both of them were sent to Ice Box Prison, and band was wrapped around there collar which deactivates their mutant power. Right then to be villainous Cable came up started to shoot down the whole place in search of FireFist. Firefist took the advantage of that situation and went to the high-security facility where they keep dangerous mutant. 

My there was the most non-expected mutant and the most expected physic and appearance "The Juggernaut " whose voice was given by Ryan Reynolds. FireFist made an alliance with him that they would both escape when they would be transferred to other prison and take the warden of the school who gave him so much trouble. When they were transferred right then Cable appeared to kill FireFist and also Deadpool with his team who were hired as they an appearance from the sky and expect 2 of them all others died by him. By the end of the fight, only Deadpool and Domino were alive rest all his team were dead. Deadpool did succeed in saving FireFist but he also freed Juggernaut and ran away with him before which Juggernaut splitted Deadpool from the middle into 2 pieces. Later Cable came to meet Deadpool and there everything was explained why Cable is behind FireFist. Cable has come from the future as his Wife and Daughter were killed in future by FireFist so came in past such that he will never exist in future and everybody else would also be safe. 

There Deadpool kept a deal in front of him by asking him to give an opportunity to change his mind before he kills the warden, by which both of them agreed. Then they went to school to school to save the warden and asked Colossus to help fight Juggernaut and win the fight. They did win the fight but Deadpool was little late in making Firefist change his mind jo Cable shot the bullet but Deadpool jumped before it while wearing the band around his neck. 

To change the timeline Cable used his last fuel to go back in time and make a little change to save Deadpool which did succeed and changed the Firefist mind. In the end, warden came to bind them cursing them for there life right then Dopender came and shoot the warden. Now Cable-stayed until he finds a way to go back to future. When Negasonic repaired his watch Deadpool took it used it correct all the wrong thing that could have been changed.

He went back past kill the killer more accurately which saves his girlfriend Copycat  then he went X-men Origin where he first appeared as WadenWilson and killed himself there and said to Wolverine, just came to change the timeline after the most dramatic and comic scene of the movie was when he signed for Green Lantern and shoot Ryan Reynold in the head from back. 
