As we have come to realize over the time period MCU is dead set on making its own changes and making even the nerds who remember each and every comic by heart clinging to the edge of their seats by not entirely following comic books and at the same time not changing the storyline as they see fit. I think it would be safe to say that MCU has created an alternative version of GAME OF THRONES.
As much as they try to drop subtle hints in between the movies itself people have also come to realize that the major hints are always in post-credits scenes which have also evolved since the earlier times.
Now, we finally have what MCU has been building up for almost about 10 years the long awaited fight between the “MAD TITAN” and the “OUR Mighty Heroes”.
I haven’t read all the Marvel comics like a nerd but I do have some knowledge regarding the Marvel universe and this is my own opinion regarding the movie and what could be the possibilities that MCU might have in the future
First Of all you guys will have to know the hints that have already been dropped before Infinity wars and this my own perspective I do not claim that this is sure to happen
Up until now, we have come to realize there are very powerful being other than humans and gods (like Thor)
And it is important that we know a few
Celestials like Star-Lords Father Ego The Planet and possibly Groot might also have godly powers
The Watchers – Being that watch the various things happening Across the universe (We see Stan Lee talking to them in guardians of the galaxy part 2)

Eternity and infinity – yes in Marvel comics there are actually characters called eternity and infinity
Before I go forward and say more about it, we must know the 6 infinity stones that exists and what powers they have.
For this blog I leave it here, rest I would be discussing in next blog, till then do all kind of researches that you do and comment here if there was anything that I said was absolutely absurd
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